In this our 21st Century, mostly during the years that ushered in the Aquarian age, we are being bombarded from all nooks and crannies with this concept - The Law Of Attraction. It is a concept that have being embraced by the greater population due to its inherent potentials and promises i.e. we will attract all that we desire.
The Law of Attraction states that we attract that which we predominantly hold in our mind in the form of imagination and visualisation.
Now this holds the key to the end of all lacks and wants, poverty and sufferings.
But wait a minute.
Why is it that there are so much lack and want still in occurence?
Why is poverty and suffering still looming large by the day?
Why is it that the rich are still getting richer and the poor still getting poorer?
Something must be wrong somewhere
One may say that they don't have the informations and knowledge that are being accessed by the rich.
Ok, let's say that they don't have access to knowledge and information that the rich have which is quite inexcusable in the world of today as there is so much proliferation of knowledge in this age of information.
In this knowledge-based economy, information is the currency.
The Law of Attraction have asked us to imagine and visualize our desires and we shall attract all that we imagine.
One day, a thief that wants to rob a house was praying to God for a safe robbery in order to take care of his wife and children. On the other hand, the owner of the house is praying to God to keep his house safe from all robberies. If you are God, whose prayer will you attend to???
Assuming that the armed robber now applied the law of attraction by visualizing and imagining a safe robbery endeavour, and the owner is also visualizing and imagining a safe house free of robbery abd breaking and entering.
Then what will happen?
The Law of Attraction states that we attract that which we predominantly hold in our mind in the form of imagination and visualisation.
Now this holds the key to the end of all lacks and wants, poverty and sufferings.
But wait a minute.
Why is it that there are so much lack and want still in occurence?
Why is poverty and suffering still looming large by the day?
Why is it that the rich are still getting richer and the poor still getting poorer?
Something must be wrong somewhere
One may say that they don't have the informations and knowledge that are being accessed by the rich.
Ok, let's say that they don't have access to knowledge and information that the rich have which is quite inexcusable in the world of today as there is so much proliferation of knowledge in this age of information.
In this knowledge-based economy, information is the currency.
The Law of Attraction have asked us to imagine and visualize our desires and we shall attract all that we imagine.
One day, a thief that wants to rob a house was praying to God for a safe robbery in order to take care of his wife and children. On the other hand, the owner of the house is praying to God to keep his house safe from all robberies. If you are God, whose prayer will you attend to???
Assuming that the armed robber now applied the law of attraction by visualizing and imagining a safe robbery endeavour, and the owner is also visualizing and imagining a safe house free of robbery abd breaking and entering.
Then what will happen?