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Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Who is a friend?
What are the qualities of a friend?

Well as with everything in life, the definition of a friend is prone to individuals unique psychological make-up.

In the same vein,
Who is an Enemy?
What are the qualities of an Enemy?.

A friend as is generally perceived is one that is there to help you in your hard times, to put a smile on you when you are sad, to make you laugh when you are down, e.t.c.

Is it really so?

An enemy is generally seen as one who is there to harm you, to bring you evil, to criticize and antagonize you.

Is that so?

If you look and consider well this issue of friends and enemies you will see that there is a very thin line between the notion of friends and enemies.
Ever come across the phrase, "The enemy to my enemy is my friend."

So what makes one a friend and what makes one an enemy?

A child once had an operation in his throat regions. When he regained consciousness, the doctor instructed the mother not to give him water for 3 days so that the scar will heal else the child will die.
After some hours, the child becomes thirsty and implore the mother to give him some water to drink. The mother kindly refused. After some time, the child's request for water becomes incessant and the cry of the child pings on the mother's heart. The mother still maintained her stance.
He cried
He cried
He cried
Amidst tears he said
"Mum do you want me to die of thirst?"
At which the mother gave in and gave him water.
He drank the water,
He became satisfied,
He was happy,
And he died.

Another incident worth mentioning is the one between two friends.
One is richer than the other. One day the not-so-rich friend went to the richer friend to ask for loan. The richer friend refused vehemently to give him the loan. The not-so-rich friend was so disappointed which made him to vow to become more hardworking in order to become rich.
After some years, through his resolution inspired by his friends action, he become successful, rich and financially independent.

Ok, what do you have to say about this one?

Two blind men went to a crusade ground to beg for alms. When the preacher was praying, the two blind men to their dismay and disappointment, discover that they can now see.
1st Blind man - "What is happening, am I seeing?"
2nd Blind man - "I hope not, because if it is so then our means of livelihood is gone."
1st Blind man - "Who asked for his help? Brother this man must give us back our blindness or else..."

So who is a friend and who is an enemy?

From my own observation of watching people. I drew up these hypothesis.

Friends and Enemies are the two sides of the same coin. A life full of friends will soon become humdrum and boring, lacking in excitement. In the other hand a life full of enemies will suffocate all the pleasures in life, making life a living hell.

Friends and enemies are one of the by-product of our dichotomized nature which is good at arranging things and experiences in terms of good and bad, saint and sinners, negative and positive etc.
It is not wrong per se because it is one of our survival instincts. But it can limit our perceptions.

So after so much observation, I came up with this notion; PEOPLE

What does that mean?
It means that I know or have neither friends nor enemies, rather
I know People
I have People
I don't have friends
I don't have enemies

Some people are there to make you laugh
Some people are there to make you sad
Some people are there to challenge You
Some people are there to teach You
Some people are there to break You
Some people are there to make You

Labeling them as friends and enemies is a denial of the bigger picture.

Everybody that comes across your life is there to serve you, to teach you, to break you in order to make you.

'People' can be likened to
A man that is not feeling fine. He went to see a physician who after examining him, wrote down a drug prescriptions for him. When the Pharmacist gave him his drugs, he observed that the drugs came in various shapes and sizes, colours and functions. Some are circular, oblong, green, blue, white etc.

He is expected to be taking the medicines. But when his health is restored, he will discard them and be free of them.

Hippocrates said "Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine."