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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Woman Part 3

Why is war being waged against the feminine spirit?

Who is waging war against the feminine spirit?

What is so terrific and threatening about the feminine spirit that something or someone is suppressing their emergence?

Is it because 2 is before 3?

Forbidden history have shown that there was a time when women ruled the society. There was and still a time when women are warriors.
Most of our archaic cultures mentioned women as their great deliverer. Women are seen as next to God, not only that, they have easier access to the unseen part of our reality.

There is an allegation that the INQUISITION that was carried out by the Roman Catholic Church is not all about killing the witches. It was a calculated effort to exterminate and subdue the feminine spirit and influence.


Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D, the author of  "The Goddess In Every Woman: Powerful Archetypes In Women's Life" says that the goddesses in the Greek mythology  is an archetypes of the various character trait in every woman. She maintained that a woman will only be fulfilled if she discovers and identifies with her archetypes

The goddesses are;
1. Artemis - The Career Woman
2. Athena - The Intellectual Woman
3. Hestia - The Religious Woman
4. Hera - The Jealous Wife
5. Persephone - The Obedient Daughter and Wife
6. Demeter - The Mother Wife
7. Aphrodite - The Lover

She said that a woman can be influenced by more than one of these archetypes and it is only left for the woman to find and live her archetypes.

Every woman is a Goddess
Every woman is Beautiful
Every woman is a Star
Every woman is Special and Unique.