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Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Lesson of The Butterfly Part 1

In our secondary school days, we were taught of the metamorphosis of butterfly. It was used as an example because we were meant to know that the butterfly is one of the insects that undergo complete metamorphosis;
Egg      to Larva          to Pupa           to Adult.
When I reached adult stage of life, I learn't through experience one of the most wonderful and beautiful lessons that nature always teach to man; The Lesson of the Butterfly.
Now you may ask, what is there in butterfly that nature wants to teach man?
The lesson of the butterfly is one of the phenomenons in nature which portrays the different stages of the evolution of the human consciousness at each point in time. It is also a phenomenon that portrays the cycles in the evolution of human consciousness and the evolution of ideas.
In this write-up, we will be surveying the stages in the metamorphosis of the butterfly and its connotations to humanity’s evolution.
1.      THE EGG (The Birth/The Seeding of Ideas)

The butterfly usually laid multiple of eggs, depending on the specie of the butterfly. They lay their eggs under the leaf of grasses and trees and some other comfortable locations. After the laying of the eggs, the butterfly flew off and never returns again. The egg is now left on their own, at the mercies of predators, weather and climatic changes, natural and physical hazards, etc. when the time period given for the hatching of the eggs is reached, the few eggs that were able to survive the above conditions will now proceed to the next stage of evolution, The Larva Stage.

In terms of humanity’s evolution of consciousness, the butterfly can be likened to God, the Universe, the Spirit of Humanity, the Universal Mind, the Higher Mind or whatever you might call it. Got the idea? Good. The butterfly can be likened to Humans too.

The laying of the egg can be likened to the continual seeding of the human race, the continual seeding of numerous ideas and inspiration into both the individual mind and the collective mind, and the numerous works and activities that humans engage in.

The eggs are ideas, the human race and the works of humans.

The predators and the hash natural phenomenon are the challenges, hardships, obstacles and misfortunes that humans – individually and collectively, encounters in the process of nurturing the ideas, and works that have been implanted in them.

This is the initial stage of evolution. Nobody can tell which egg will perish and which one will survive. However, there are some eggs that will proceed to the next stage of metamorphosis.

2.      The Larva Stage (The Period of Slow Movement)

The egg having hatched will change into a snake-like organism called a caterpillar. Depending on the specie of butterfly, the caterpillar can be as small as 0.2in (0.5cm) in length and can be as tall as 2 inches (5cm).

One major characteristics of the caterpillar is that it is very destructive. In this stage, it is considered a pest. Pests that destroys agricultural products, eats up wooden furniture etc. But without these acts it cannot feed. Another major characteristic of the caterpillar is the slow movement.

Ever wonder why the human race suddenly became so destructive of nature during the last millennia,
Ever wonder why to start a project, a lot of cutting and breaking have to occur.
Ever wonder why a lot of mistakes have to be made in order to actualize an idea.
Ever wonder why the pre-teen and the teens are very destructive – both of themselves and to others.
Like the caterpillar, without these destruction, cutting and breaking etc, it cannot feed.
The larva stage is the stage of confusion, uncertainties, and insecurities.

The caterpillar is also subject to external influences like predators, chemical imbalances (pesticides and herbicides), natural catastrophes etc.
No one knows the ones that will make it and the ones that won’t, but one thing is for sure, there will be some surviving caterpillars that will proceed to the next stage of metamorphosis.

Monday 18 March 2013


One day, I was having a discussion with the Human Resource Manager that is involved in the recruitment of employees for prospective companies. As we are getting on, a funny question just popped up in my mind.
I asked him, “My friend, as the manager of the Human Resources you must have being coming across multiple number of CVs. In your own assessment, what do you think is the hobbies that are more prevalent among the Nigerian job – seekers?”
“Well” he answered “to my own objective view, the hobbies most of the Nigerian job – seekers always identify with are;
1.      Reading
2.      Meeting new people
3.      Travelling
4.      Listening to news
5.      Research
This is my objective view, remember?”
“So what is your subjective view?”
“My subjective view… well from the point of view of a manager, I will say that the hobbies that the prospective employees are writing is not reflective of who they are. Come to think of it, 95% of the CVs/Resumes that we receive mention ‘Reading’ as a hobby, 75% mention ‘Travelling’, 80% mention ‘Meeting new people’ and ‘Research’. That one is by the way. According to the statistics available to me, Nigerian universities produces about 500 000 graduates per annum. Are you following me?”
“Of course I do.”
“Now let us do this analysis…
If Nigerian universities graduates about 500 000 students and 95% says that their hobby is ‘Reading’, it means that about 475 000 students are voracious and chronic readers. If this is so then who are the party goers, the town goers and the weekend jivers. What of the protesters and acti…”
(Cuts in) “My friend, this analysis holds no water. Do you expect them to be bookworms in order to show that they are readers?”
“I am listening.”
“Do you know the meaning of the word ‘Hobby’? A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time. It is not something that demands a lot of effort and perspiration from you. It is what you do in order to relax yourself. There are some people that partying relaxes, others watching movies and some others smoking relaxes them. The point I am trying to make is why everybody is choosing ‘Reading as one of their hobbies?”
“It is an act of desperation. Is it not the circumstance that pushes them to the wall so man have to do and say anything in order to survive.”
“Now how many of them has succeeded, how many have gotten the job. So do they think that we the interviewers are fools? A person’s hobby determines the person’s personality and character. We are trained to carry out a psychological profile on each of our job – seeking candidates. All those time we are asking them one question and another, we are actually doing psychological profile. Your answer matters little, your manner matters a lot.”
“How do you mean ‘manners’?”
“Yes, if you are sincere and honest, it will reflect in your manners and body language and if you are not then your manners and body language will show it. This is what we are looking at.”
“I see” I thought to myself.
“My brother, so what you are saying is that it is better to state what and who you are, no need of deceit.”
“Ok. The issue is that my hobby is kind of unique.”
“My friend” the HRM retorted “there is no hobby that I haven’t heard of. What is so special about your hobby?”
I looked at my friend, look up and down, smile and said,
“SEX is my hobby.”

Saturday 16 March 2013

Long Distance Relationship

The female singer Brandy in one of her song said “This long distance is killing me.” Is she implying that long distance relationship is not healthy to humans in general or she is not comfortable with it? Well, it only Brandy that can answer that question.
However, what I want to us to discuss is the issue of Long Distance Relationship LDR.
What is LDR?
LDR, short for Long Distance Relationship according to popular perception is a kind of relationship in which the people involved are separated by distance. It can be that they are leaving in separate towns, cities, countries, even continents. The people involved do not enjoy the privilege of close physical contact except through phone, email and other means of communication.
It is a known concept that out of sight is out of mind but another adage goes that distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Which way do we go?
85% of people in relationship i.e. intimate relationship tend to dread LDR because of the little or total absence of the physical comfort that is one of the perk of intimate relationship. However, psychologists and marriage counselors always advocate for a brief moment of non – physical contact in order for the couples to sort out their issues
Now here’s the dilemma. Why is it that what humans dread is what is sometimes recommended as a cure to their relationship issues,
What are the challenges of LDR?
Is there any benefit in Long Distance Relationship?
Let us see.
Some individuals I came across actually advocated for LDR. Below is the summary of their reasons;
1.      VALUE: There is a popular adage that goes thus “you don’t know the value of what you have till you lose it.” This is being supported by the adage ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ which invariably leads to taking your partner for granted. Long distance relationship helps the individuals involved to know the worth of each other in the relationship.
2.      OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE: In some close relationship i.e. a relationship where the individuals involved have a freer access to each other, at some point one or both of the individual(s) may start developing the feeling that they are ‘caged’ in the relationship. One of the potentials of the human spirit is the ability to seek, to explore and when denied or restricted, it tends to rebel. LDR gives the individuals in the intimate relationship the opportunity to seek, to explore, to grow and to expand.
3.      CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT/PERSONALITY ENHANCEMENT: Individuals that are involved in a long distance relationship always have the opportunity of discovering something about themselves that they couldn’t have discovered if the long distance hasn’t occurred. These discoveries tend to boost their self esteem which gives them a greater appreciation of independence and inter-dependence.
However, those that are averse to LDR only tend to echo one major concern;
1.      THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN: The fear of the unknown is the major concern of those that castigates long distance relationship. The incessant concern of the endless ‘What ifs’; what if (s)he ceases to love/care for me, what if (s)he falls in love with another person, what if (s)he do not return, what if….
LDR is a vital ingredient of an intimate relationship as much as the long distance Sun is vital to life on earth. People have varying opinion towards long distance relationship which sometimes distorts the hidden opportunity inherent in it. For mercury is much nearer to the sun than earth but earth is more suited for life than mercury
“If you love him/her, let him/her go. If (s) he comes back to you, then (s) he is yours.” (Chinese Proverb).