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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Woman Part 3

Why is war being waged against the feminine spirit?

Who is waging war against the feminine spirit?

What is so terrific and threatening about the feminine spirit that something or someone is suppressing their emergence?

Is it because 2 is before 3?

Forbidden history have shown that there was a time when women ruled the society. There was and still a time when women are warriors.
Most of our archaic cultures mentioned women as their great deliverer. Women are seen as next to God, not only that, they have easier access to the unseen part of our reality.

There is an allegation that the INQUISITION that was carried out by the Roman Catholic Church is not all about killing the witches. It was a calculated effort to exterminate and subdue the feminine spirit and influence.


Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D, the author of  "The Goddess In Every Woman: Powerful Archetypes In Women's Life" says that the goddesses in the Greek mythology  is an archetypes of the various character trait in every woman. She maintained that a woman will only be fulfilled if she discovers and identifies with her archetypes

The goddesses are;
1. Artemis - The Career Woman
2. Athena - The Intellectual Woman
3. Hestia - The Religious Woman
4. Hera - The Jealous Wife
5. Persephone - The Obedient Daughter and Wife
6. Demeter - The Mother Wife
7. Aphrodite - The Lover

She said that a woman can be influenced by more than one of these archetypes and it is only left for the woman to find and live her archetypes.

Every woman is a Goddess
Every woman is Beautiful
Every woman is a Star
Every woman is Special and Unique.

Friday, 12 April 2013

The Woman Part 2

In our society the world over, it will seem as if the customs and traditions are intentionally put in place with the sole purpose of subjugating the female folk.
Is it that women are threat to men?
Is it that women are evil?
Is it that men are insecure and now see the women as a scapegoat to their insecurity?
Why is it that 75% of customs and traditions globally are designed to put women in a tight corner, denying them of their wonderful and indomitable spirit?
(Comment and give me your answers)
Recently, I watched a Kenya – based movie called THE PRICE OF A DAUGHTER. This is the story of a young girl who was faced by the age old tradition of female circumcision and early marriage.
According to the custom of a tribe in Kenya, once a girl reaches the age of 14 she will be subjected to genital circumcision, or should I say mutilation. After that exercise, she will be kept indoors for 8 days after which she will be married off to the highest bidder. The girl in question has no say in her choice of partner. The girl in the movie revolted to these practices, and suffered the consequence of her revolution though in the end she affected a ripple of change of which she paid the price.
Studies have shown that in the animal kingdom, it is the female of the species that chooses the male that she will mate with. Perhaps we should start learning from our co-inhabitants of this planet earth. We share some of their nature.
In some cultures, women are seen as nothing except as a baby manufacturing company. A woman will take her time to achieve education but when she marries, the husband will dictate to her that she will not pursue any carrier of her own choice rather to build her office in the kitchen. If it is the woman’s choice then no problem but dictating to her quenches the light and fire in her.
A feminist may say, ‘I don’t agree with you Chidozie. Can’t you see that our girls of today are actually freer than their forbears?’
‘They can dress as they want, take up any career that befits them and reach the height of their aspirations. They can choose to be married or to remain single, to have kids or not. In fact our women are more liberated than before.’
Ok. I think you are correct. But the issue is this, all these things that women are doing now, is it coming from within them or are they acting to the suggestions of the advertizing companies.
They dress as they like. Who is gaining? The fashion companies
They marry and divorce at will. Who is gaining? The law firms and the psychiatrist hospitals
They are free to sacrifice everything in order to reach the height of their career. Who is gaining? The establishment owners, be it industries, movie/music industries, or educational institutions
They are free to have sex as they want with whoever they choose, as much as they want. Who is gaining? The contraceptive and pharmaceutical industries
On the long run, the woman will become more confused and demoralized. She will now take to drugs, alcohol and other addictive behaviours.
Who is gaining?
Who is making the profit?
Anytime a woman takes up an activity that didn’t spring up from her innermost being, then she is no longer living her life. Rather she is living the life of someone else. This is not the way a woman is meant to be.
It is a rape of the feminine spirit.
Externals cannot make a woman happy, contented and satisfied. She is designed to live life inside out.


Monday, 8 April 2013

The Woman Part 1

This article that you are about to read is prompted of my appreciation of the female of the species and the inhuman treatment that is meted out to them and the continual degradation of the female folk that is still going on.

I am not a feminist.


Because according to my own opinion, feminism is the male controlled society’s aim of masculanizing a female so as to engage them in workforce thereby increasing the profit of the male society.

History have shown that in time past, a lot of discoveries  where actually made by women, but due to the fact that the male dominated society did not accord recognition to the female contribution, hence, in order for those inventions to see the light of the day, they have to give the patent right to the fathers and husbands.

I weep for women.

Sometimes back I watched a movie titled THE WOMAN starred by Pollyanna Macintosh. In that movie, we saw 4 categories of women;

  1. The Natural Woman – This is a woman that lives purely on instinct. The natural woman is the woman that was found on the wild, in her natural state. A man captured her inorder to tame her. The natural woman is seen as uncommunicative and uncouth. The man in the movies that wants to tame her is not doing so because of her appreciation of the woman but because of her selfish aggrandizement.
  2. The Artificial Woman – The artificial woman in the movie is the wife of the gentle man that captured the woman in the wild. She depicted this popular phrase that is attributed to women i.e. ‘women are to be seen not to be heard’. She is always living in constant fear of the husband. She is always brutalized by the husband at the slightest provocation and objection from her. She is more of a slave in the house that is satisfying the man’s whims. On the long run, she was discarded by the natural woman because the artificial woman is a misnomer of the natural settings.
  3. The Emerging Woman – This is the daughter of the artificial woman. She got pregnant when she was in high school and was afraid to tell anyone. She doesn’t want to abort it either. She is in a big dilemma. Though her teacher later discovered it and confronted the father which costs her her life, the mother kept a mute silence over the issue. This caused an air of tension in the house because it seems that she was abused by the father which later resulted in the daughter getting pregnant for the father, the man of the house.
  4. The Innocent Woman – this is the last child and daughter of the artificial woman who is not up to 5 years old. The innocent woman depicts the woman folk when they are unencumbered; another side of the natural woman. The innocent woman is friendly to all; both the good and the bad, she sides no one, always looking for ways to bring smile to everybody's face and to make everybody comfortable. She sees peace in the midst of conflict and loves and cherishes everyone equally. She is not tainted by the wrong programming of the societal values.

These 4 categories of women in this movie is showing us the categories of traits that a woman embodies – both  internally and externally. The natural woman is the traits that defines a woman’s ability to blossom when left unencumbered and there innate inclinations to nature. The artificial woman is the trait we found in women  when they are being emasculated
by the male dominated society. It denies them the freedom of speech and expression.

Chidozie there you go again. Are you saying that the freedom of speech that is enshrined in our constitution is not taking care of women?

My answer is this, the freedom of speech is taking care of women as long as they are saying what will advance the reign of the male dominated society.

Well, change is in the air.

The emerging woman is that trait in women that they exhibit when they start to realize their true potential and power in the masculine society. Like the daughter, they have been abused by the males so they are now filled with dilemma and uncertainties.

Do not be afraid to reclaim the power within you.

The innocent woman is that trait in women that depicts them as life givers. The innocent woman brings joy, music, peace, love and care to all. She is the light that casts out the gloom in the atmosphere. She is sexy and romantic.

In the end of the movie, the Natural Woman killed the male, discard the Artificial Woman, made a pact with the Innocent Woman and embraced the Emerging Woman. They – The Natural, The Innocent and The Emerging Woman formed a team and left for the wild…Together.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Spirit of Money

Have you ever heard or wondered about the significance of this phrase “The invincible controls the visible”.
This phrase denotes that everything we see in life have an unseen component and it is this unseen aspects that determines the outcome/behavior of the visible. Every object there is, whether animate or inanimate consist of spirit, soul and body. The invisible aspect is the spirit and soul while the visible is the body.

Now, we will explore some of the invisible aspect of money i.e. The Spirit of Money;

  1. Your intentions and your integrity harness the energy of money. The way you handle money is a mirror for the way you handle other forms of energy in your life.
  2. When you give INORDER to receive, you are coming from a place of scarcity and so that is what you will receive instead – more scarcity. Give with gratitude, joy and love without expectation of receiving anything in return.
  3. When you have to spend money, think your way into it feeling good to spend that money. No buyer’s remorse, no guilt, no focus on lack or want.
  4. You cannot serve money, she must serve you. Tame her and make her serve you or you will end up her servant – or worse, her victim.
  5. The various qualities of the spirit of money;
a)      Honor – Money likes to be valued, she likes to be liked.
b)      Waste – i.e. the spending that causes debt or takes away from important things and that does not bring very much enjoyment to your life. Money does not like waste.
c)      Charity – Money likes to be giving away. She likes to be donated.
d)      Time – Money is linked to time.
e)      People – The people you know and surround yourself with can help open up opportunities for increasing your prosperity – or they can hold you back.
  1. Welcome, Respect and Appreciate money. This includes the person and the place through which it comes and she will flow easily, naturally and abundantly in your life.
  2. Money, just like anything else is plentiful and you are not depriving anyone by making use of it.
  3. The Spirit of Money is one that finds everyone, but only stays with those that values her company.
  4. Let go of all negative thoughts towards money.
  5. The spirit of opulence believes in the generous feelings which is the intuitive recognition of the great law of circulation which does not in any undertaking make its first question ‘How much am I going to get by it ?’ but ‘How much am I going to do by it ?’. and making this the first question, the getting will flow in with a generous profusion, and with a spontaneousness and rightness of direction that are absent when our first thought is of receiving only.
  6. To attract money easily you must possess these three qualities;
                                                               i.            Belief without doubt,
                                                             ii.            A sense of worthiness.
                                                            iii.            The willingness to take inspired actions.
  1. Money like everything else is made up of energy and vibration, and your predominant thought about money creates your realities about money.
  2. Our energy reacts very quickly when we know what to do to correct it. After all, it is just energy.

The spirits of money is inexhaustible. Above is just a preview of what it entails. When you start to apply some of these principles above, the spirit of money will inspire more in you.
Remember, the invisible is 97% while the visible is 3% and the invisible controls the visible.
Good is everything that promotes and increases the life force; Bad is everything that hampers and lessens it.